Yes, this quarantine thing is not fun. I’m actually sick of hearing myself say the word quarantine to be quite honest with you. But I will say this time is almost like a gift in a way. You know when life was normal and you would constantly say to yourself, “I just need a day to get this done.” Or “If only I had time some time to get these things done around the house.” Well now is the time people to quaran-clean your entire house with our deep cleaning house tips!!
Even if you just make a random to-do list of things you want to get done around the house and tackle just a few a week, I promise it will make a world of difference. The deep cleaning house tips we have below are the random things you put off in your house or the places and items that fall under the deep cleaning category (things you don’t typically clean weekly).
Once these areas are cleaned, you will feel more productive. Trust me. I know these days are hard for a lot of us. Most of us are working from home, home schooling our children, finding activities for kids to do, trying to find our own sanity and taking care of everything in the house as we always do. We are in OVERLOAD mode. So why am I telling you to put more on your plate? Because when this is all over you will look back and be thankful for this time and everything you accomplished in your house. You won’t have to hear yourself say, “I wish I had done this during quarantine!” Find purpose everyday while being home. You will thank me in the long run.
Declutter Closets & Drawers- Deep Cleaning House Tips

Decluttering your house is one of those things you should try and do seasonally. Things add up quickly if you don’t keep a good grasp on it. This is the time to get through your entire house and declutter it. Go room-by-room and declutter each area. That means closets, drawers and any other storage area in each room. Go through each room and be honest about what you use and what you don’t. If you haven’t used the item in over a year, you probably won’t be using it anytime soon. Check out our post on A Room-by-Room Guide To Declutter Your Entire Home. This will help you to identify items you should donate, discard and keep. If it overwhelms you, take it slowly, but try and get through the entire house. Once it is done, you will feel so much better.
Deep Cleaning House Tips

These are the areas and items you don’t normally clean on a weekly basis. Some take more time than others so add them to your to-do list and check them off as you go.
Deep Clean Large Appliances– This goes for the oven, washer, dryer, refrigerator and freezer. For the oven, use a paste of 3/4 baking soda and 1/4 cup warm water, scrub it on the doors and racks, let it sit for awhile and then wash it off. To clean the washer and dryer, clean in all of the crevices, the lint filter and dryer vent. For the refrigerator and freezer, take each bin and shelf out and wash it all thoroughly. If your vacuum has a small attachment to clean out cracks, use it! Yes, your family will think you are nuts, but it is fine. It gets the job done fast!
Deep Clean Small Appliances– Think the microwave, coffee pot, and the small appliances that need some love. Clean them all thoroughly. Descale the coffee pot every three to six months. This will remove hard water minerals that can build up over time and affect how it works. Good Housekeeping shows you exactly how to descale your coffee pot.
Clean Out Kitchen & Pantry- Deep Cleaning House Tips

Clean Out Fridge & Pantry– Now that your fridge is sparkling clean, clean out the items in it. Check the expiration on all items and discard of anything that has gone bad or items you don’t use. This is also a great time to discard of anything that you probably shouldn’t be snacking on. Do the same in your pantry. If it is out of sight, you won’t be able to reach for it when that craving hits! Organize the pantry while you are at it.

Vacuum Couches– Grab those couch cushions and your trusty, dusty vacuum and get to it! You’ll be amazed at what you find and the amount of $ that randomly falls in couch cushions. Where does this $ even come from? I swear I have never had any change just randomly in my pockets.
While your cleaning the couches, defuzz it while you’re at it! This little wonder safely gets rid of all the little balls that appear at the end of the fabric. It can also be safely used on coats, sweaters, toys and bedding. You will wonder why you haven’t had this sooner in your life!
Vacuum Bed Mattresses– Vacuum all bed mattresses and flip them while you’re at it to ensure it stays even while sleeping.
Vacuum Baseboard– This area in the house always collects dust. Use the brush attachment on your vacuum and clean on top and underneath the baseboard.
Vacuum Behind Furniture– If you can safely move your furniture, do so and vacuum any dust that collects behind it. Underneath the bed is always the worst. Vacuum there, the headboard and base of the headboard near the floor if it is upholstered.

Wash Comforters, Blankets, Curtains– Give these items a good cleaning being they normally don’t get washed weekly. Curtains also get super dusty. Make sure to check each item and how to wash them properly and to check if these items can be washed in your washing machine. Therefore, wash bigger items in a commercial washer.
Wash Rugs & Carpets– It’s amazing how much dirt comes up when you shampoo your rugs even though you vacuum them daily. You can throw smaller rugs in the washing machine. Just make sure to check the instructions on how to wash them.
Wash Windows– We typically wipe down the inside windows, but the inside and outside get the shaft. Being the weather is nicer now, step outside and wash all of your windows from the outside. They will be so much clearer when you look through them from inside.
Odds & Ends

Pictures, Memory Books, Albums, Etc.– This is the perfect time to get those printed pictures into albums, update your child’s baby book you forgot to update (whoops) and print photo books you have been meaning to do for 3 years now.
Wash Makeup Brushes & Hair Brushes– This definitely falls under the Odds & Ends section, but all of these brushes you use daily need to be cleaned! For your makeup brushes, use a makeup brush cleaner. This cleaner is a 99.99 antimicrobial disinfectant. For your hair brushes, you can simply wash them in a sink with shampoo. Let them sit, rinse them out and let them air dry.
Now this is the space to think of anything and everything you have been putting off in your house. Now is the time to get it DONE! No better day than today. So make your to-do list with the items we have listed above and check them off as you go along. You can quaran-clean your house! We have faith in you! We can’t hear to hear what updates you make to your house or how you tackled your quaran-clean to-do list with our deep cleaning house tips! Let us know in the comments below. Happy Cleaning!
Interested in other posts on cleaning your house like our deep cleaning house tips, be sure to check out our other posts on:
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